Aryan Gleason

SGA Treasurer & Chief Financial Officer |

Aryan Gleason is a dedicated leader currently serving her third term as the Executive Board Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer for the Student Government Association (SGA), overseeing the Department of Finance. Born and raised in Nashville, TN, Aryan has consistently demonstrated her commitment to her university, having previously served on the University Academic Assembly and Freshman Class Council.

In addition to her campus roles, Aryan is a Junior Board Member with Rebuild NOLA and the Harry Tompson Center, where she actively contributes to community service initiatives. She is also the founder of X Marks the Ballot, working closely with civic engagement organizations and campus partners to promote voter education and engagement.

A proud member of the Epsilon Tau Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Aryan also holds the esteemed position of Undergraduate Member at Large on her organization's Board of Directors, advocating for undergraduate members at an international level.

Upon graduation, Aryan will pursue a dual MD/MPH degree, with the goal of becoming a Board-Certified OB-GYN. Passionate about maternal health and healthcare policy, she also aspires to run for political office in the future to further advocate for her community.