Reporting Period for September 2024

I. Meetings

1. SGA Executive Board Meeting: September 26, 2024 • Key Points Discussed:

  • ▪  Efforts to improve internal communication as a board.

  • ▪  Improving our planning for Student Body Meetings so that they are more organized and begin on


  • ▪  Dissolved the SGA Grant Writers due to lack of participation.

2. Student Body Meeting: September 3, 2024

• Key Points Discussed:

  • ▪  The University’s budget of $85-$95 million was presented by Ms. Ingenue’ Schexnider-Fields.

  • ▪  Mister & Miss Xavier handed out Royalty Loyalty cards to encourage students to attend the

    Royal Court events.

3. Meetings With Administrators:

  • September 5, 2024 with President Verret

    • ▪  Discussed the need for administration to purchase a shuttle tracker so that the students working on the project can begin testing and troubleshooting.

    • ▪  Discussed our views on the mental health issues we’ve seen and what the university can do to limit added stressors.

  • September 16, 2024 with Ms. Sierra Blanchard and Ms. Sharrone Godfrey ▪ Finalized our list of active Registered Student Organizations.

  • September 19, 2024 with VP Wright

    • ▪  Agreed to reach out to other university departments to help cover up to 10% of the Homecoming

      concert costs.

    • ▪  Discussed student feedback on the new mascots and the steps needed to have them become more

      representative of the student body.

    • ▪  Discussed current challenges surrounding the shuttles and discussed the importance of

      communicating such challenges to the students effectively.

      II. Initiatives and Projects

1. Ongoing Initiatives:
Better Informing the Student Body

  • ▪  I have submitted an invoice to purchase a campus-wide texting system, and we are waiting for approval from Fiscal.

  • ▪  We have received USB Drives that we plan to upload information on and insert into the TVs in the cafeteria, Library, DP, and KD. Our Web Liaison is still recreating the SGA Website on a new domain since we couldn’t gain access to the previous one.

  • ▪  The DOC is finishing the final draft of our essential resource book called The Gold Book.

  • ▪  The SGA Historians have reached out to the Big 5 Presidents to gather information for a monthly

    Big 5 Newsletter.

  • Increasing Transparency to the Student Body

    • ▪  Worked with Ms. Ingenue’ Schexnider-Fields to publicly release the Universities budget.

    • ▪  A TV and sound system will be installed in the SGA Resource Room on 10/1 for us to conduct

      public executive board meetings and for organizations to hold conference meetings.

  • Increasing Xavier’s Community Engagement
    ▪ A registration drive and Presidential Debate watch party have been conducted for X Marks the


  • Aiding Where we Can in the Mental Health Crisis

    • ▪  The Secretary of Health & Human Services had students create positive affirmations that will be

      placed around the campus.

    • ▪  The Presidential Interns have reached out to multiple companies to receive agreements for

      Xavierite discounts. They will have a final list in 2 weeks.

  • Improving the Academic Experience

    • ▪  The Secretary of Academic Affairs has sent an academic advisor to faculty advisors to gauge

      their current experience.

    • ▪  Waiting on the director of the library to state whether the library hours can be extended during

      midterms and finals week.

  • Improving the Performance of Student Leaders

    • ▪  The SGA Vice President and Director of Elections have solidified an election range for

      constitutional amendments at the end of the semester.

    • ▪  The bylaws for the Big 5 Council were passed through the Senate and signed into law.

  • Increasing SGA’s Funding Opportunities

    • ▪  The homecoming concert costs have been sent to VP Wright and I am waiting for him to reach

      out to University Departments for funding help.

    • ▪  I will meet with the National Alumni President to discuss how Alumni may help us fund student


  • Alleviate SGA Financial Process Issues
    ▪ The p-card management act (SB 80.2) was passed through the senate and signed into law.

  • Increasing Student Engagement in Events

    • ▪  I am almost done executing a plan to minimize conflicting /repeating events.

    • ▪  A tailgate is being planned for Saturday, November 16th.

    • ▪  Feedback regarding the new mascots was reviewed and Coach Glenn has reached out to the

      company to determine the costs to have the mascots’ skin color changed.

  1. 2. New Initiatives Launched:
    Advocating for more seating in the UC Horseshoe

    ▪ The goals of this initiative are to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act as certain students who are on crutches or injured are sitting on the ground or standing for a prolonged period waiting on the shuttles.

    III. Accomplishments

    1. Major Achievements:

    • We received an agreement for Parking Passes to be placed on students’ accounts.

    • Administration allowed us to release the University’s budget publicly for the first time.

      IV. Challenges and Issues

    1. Current Challenges:

      • Emails from the SGA President and Vice President account to the student body look like they from Curtis Wright’s email due to being moderated after an email released from myself regarding critical issues. We are working around this through a Fizz account, a mass text system, Instagram, and TVs around campus to spread our information.

      • Communication to other RSOs was quite a challenge for us this month, but we have solidified our contact list of Presidents and have cleared up budget approval questions to the Senate.

    2. Issues Raised by Students:

      • Shuttles showing up late to pick up students seemed to be the largest issue for students by far. VP Wright has expressed a plan to combat the issues the university has experienced regarding their shuttles breaking down and the longer repair times that I may not share until it is solidified.

      • Several students had come to me confused about when they should receive their refund check disbursement, but I did speak with fiscal, and we did release the information on our Instagram and Fizz.

        V. Financial Report

  2. 1. Fall 2024 SGA Budget Overview:

    • Total Budget (passed at the end of the month): $410,079

    • Expenditures: $--

    • Remaining Funds: $--

      Per aspera ad astra, Chase Patterson