Whereas, the Student Government Association President has the constitutional authority to improve the functionality of the executive branch;

Whereas, presidents of the Inter-organizational Council have informed the SGGA President about the inefficiencies of the financing process to host events;

Whereas, the effects of the inefficient process has negatively affected the morale of RSO leaders and the SGA Department of Finance;

Now, therefore, I, Chase Patterson, President of the Student Government Association at Xavier University of Louisiana, in accordance with the SGA Constitution, hereby issue the following directive to become effective immediately:

  1. 1)  The Senate Finance Committee (SFC) will meet no less than once within seven days to review budgets.

  2. 2)  Registered Studen tOrganizations (RSOs)will no longer be required to have advisor approval on their budget request in order to be approved by the Senate.

  3. 3)  The SFC will only consider RSO budgets that are scheduled to be presented no later than 2 weeks before the proposed event date.

  4. 4)  Checks for organizations will only be held on the third floor of the University Center, room 316, not with the SGA Treasurer.

  5. 5)  The SFC will not automatically deny an RSO an approved budget simply because they are not present at the meeting. If the committee finds an error in the budget and there is no representative present to defend it, they can approve or deny it at their discretion.

  6. 6)  The SFC Chair must inform the RSO President and Treasurer if they don’t meet a requirement to get approved at least 24 hours before the SFC meeting. The RSO is granted the ability to rectify

    the error and resubmit the budget before the start of the meeting.

  7. The SGA Vice President will email the RSO President and

    Treasurer within twenty-four (24) hours after approval to inform them that they must submit a purchase request for the approved amount on X-Connect.

  8. 8)  If a budget request is denied in full or partially, The Chair of the SFC must email a written explanation to the RSO President and Treasurer about the reasoning and how it can be fixed.

  9. 9)  Toensurethatthisprocessfunctionsinperpetuity,thisexecutive order shall permanently remain in effect and in full force unless it is modified, amended, rescinded, or superseded by the SGA President, which must be done by an Executive Order.

  1. It is ordered.

    Chase Patterson
    President, Student Government Association