Whereas, the Student Government Association President has the constitutional authority to adopt procedures for the expediency of the Student Government Association through an executive order;
Whereas, the roles and responsibilities of SGA officials have exponentially increased over the past four administrations, as evidenced by the creation of the SGA Bylaws passed under President Patterson (SGAB-80.1);
Whereas, the President seeks to acknowledge and reward officials for their dedication and exemplary performance, fostering an efficient working environment where leaders are held accountable through the newly revitalized Student Supreme Court.
Now, therefore, I, Chase Patterson, President of the Student Government Association at Xavier University of Louisiana, in accordance with the SGA Constitution, hereby issue the following directive to become effective immediately:
1) The SGA President will ensure that all Class Council Officers and all Senators receive VIP access during Homecoming and Springfest where applicable, as well as discounted tickets at an approved price set by the Director of the Center of Student Involvement if they are still in office at the time of distribution.
2) The SGA President will ensure that all SGA officers who remain in office from either their inauguration or appointment by the SGA President until Gold Ball receive 8 community service hours per month. These hours will be awarded to the officer at the conclusion of their term to ensure their commitment throughout.
3) To ensure that these officers are properly compensated in perpetuity, this executive order shall permanently remain in effect and in full force unless it is modified, amended, rescinded,